Tuesday, 6 December 2011

My new website!

I have been designing a new portfolio site as part of one of my units at uni! Its going really well and will be live by Jan 9th! There will also be options to purchase prints of my work if any one would like them :)

Heres a sneak peak image:

Saturday, 26 November 2011


Such an unbelievably stressful week professionally and personally. But I think its all coming together. I recently started a record label with a friend of mine called NUCAP RECORDS. We had to do an interview at the bbc and have been in the studio while one of our bands record. Such an amazing experience and it really is coming together.

I recommend everyone that has an idea or a potential business in mind that to start it. There is plenty of help out there that is free that can advise and guide everyone. There are also entrepreneurial departments at most universities that give grants towards business ideas and professional help and advise all for free!

Personally, I am having to come to terms with alot of things that have happened in the past 3 years since starting uni as everything changes, trust me! You meet some amazing people that you will know for life and you make some crazy difficult decisions. I am now starting to see that I have been doing ok actually. That I dont need to worry all the time and that I just need to relax and start seeing stuff from my own perspective.

On a lighter note, I got a fake fringe! Or what I believe is called a winge?!? Anyway its amazing and everyone is saying how realistic it is!What do you reckon?

Thursday, 3 November 2011


I have been experimenting in after effects, I have been looking at old school sprite animation, this is just a simple one of a guy walking. The way I made it means that I can easily change the appearance of the person, so it is like a mannequin that I could just dress up to what ever I need it to be.

Sprite Practice: after effects

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Paint etc

Perfect Morning

watercolour painting I am doing

another view

my nephew


Ozzy rules the world


Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Photography fun today

These are the outcome of today photography session;

splash in a drain
my nephew

train station

wasp eating



sunlight feeding tree

anonymous bucket 

lavender oil

my phone and favourite beer stuck together

dried up

'you looking at me'

Ozzy my beautiful cat


Late night...
Images of myself, I like the photographers style, didnt expect images like this on a drink fuelled night.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Im backkk!

Finally home,

Able to blog now! Recent updates; Got my nose pierce. BEST DECISION EVER.

Love it. 

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Busy, busy busssssy

I have been house sitting with a friend for a week so haven't been able to blog! Will post the weeks events soon, have so much to tell!


Wednesday, 7 September 2011


This is amazing

A little bit of art

Have done some paintings and sketches this week, take a little look
Starting to look a little like Lady Gaga, not my intention!



Tuesday, 6 September 2011

My room and I

Tidied up my glass shelving, gets dusty far too easily

Monday, 5 September 2011


Love and want this PLEASE


Last Night

The Gig was AMAZING Trash Queens played the best I have ever seen them! Its a shame that there isnt more Glam Rock in todays charts THERE SHOULD BE.

Heres a friend and I backstage (sneaky)

this is what I wore;

River Island


Miss Selfridge


Mix of Charity shops

as above

Plus an orange scarf and my gorgeous new Primark hat which turned out to be quite a hit with everyone trying to grab it!

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Snail Trail

I'm currently doing the logo and art work for a band called Snail Trail, they are pretty cool, comedy type music reminiscent of Reel Big Fish, something like that with a reggae feel, this is THEM. Check them out. Heres some of the extremely rough sketches I have done for both logo and art work.